To know the beginning of this story, go to this post. There you will find everything about John Birch and his amazing task.
After the book, John has published a documentary about his reclusion and the reasons and causes that led him to it, and he has kindly sent it to me. There is not much more to add to all I said about the book, excpt one thing: it has impressed me how John and all people involved in this project come across as common people like you and me, but people that are committed to making a difference. John is a production buyer for a brewery, but involved in several spiritual and enviromental projects. His friends and sponsors include dance teachers, furniture makers...
Think about it.It doesn't take Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt to make a mark in the world. If you decide to make a change, you're a hero too. Just like this common man who is not that common.
To learn more about the documentary and buy it:
lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008
viernes, 1 de agosto de 2008
Unless the Grain Dies: The Meaning of Lammas
(With a little addition, already posted on my LJ journal)
"Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone. But if the grain dies, it bears much fruit" (John 12:24)
Surprised to find a Christian quote in aWiccan blog??Well, it hasn't been the first time, and it won't be the last. There is much wisdom in other religions,and not believing in them doesn't mean that I don't recognize that wisdom. In this case, Jesus chooses the imagery of grain dying to bear fruit that so many religions before Christianity had already used. The idea of death that brings life is also one oth the keys to Lammas or Lughnasadh, the harvest festivity on August 1st.
It won't be until Samhain that the God will die, but that is because that is the third-and last-harvest festival of the year; the idea of death is present in Lammas, in Mabon, and in Samhain. But in Lammas death is only a concept, a symbol; the death of grain that will feed the people. That is why it is a jubilant festival, even if there is a sombre legend behind it.
The other name of Lammas,Lughnasadh, comes from the Celtic god of the Sun, Lugh. Like his Roman counterpart Apollo, Lugh presided over the arts and sciences. According to Celtic legend, Lugh decided to hold a feast at the beginning of the harvest season to honor his foster mother, Tailtiu. Tailtiu was the royal Lady of the Fir Bolg. After the defeat of her people by the Tuatha De Danaan, she was forced by them to clear a vast forest for the purpose of planting grain. She died of exhaustion as a result. Here we find again the ritual death that brings life, and which is commemorated, that is, repeated, year after year. This idea was also, it is supposed, one of the inspirations of the Eleusinian Mysteries.
Well, you say, how does all this apply to ME?? Do I have to die to bring fertility to my world??Not necessary :))). Did you burn something last St John's night/Litha?? Did you leave some nasty habit, throw away letters or photos that brought you bitter memories, stop seeing a toxic friend?? Have you recently stopped smoking or given up any kind of addiction? Well, that is a part of you that has died. And it has died so you can evolve and move on with your life, and if you did it last Litha, or a little earlier or later, you are probably reaping a harvest of satisfaction. And if you didn't do it then, why not do it now?There are two harvest festivals ahead of you :))) It's not too late to get your harvest this year!
Remember also that Lugh is a God of arts and Sciences, so why not ask him for help to get better at whatever you do for a living? Here you can find a wonderful ritual for that.
"Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone. But if the grain dies, it bears much fruit" (John 12:24)
Surprised to find a Christian quote in aWiccan blog??Well, it hasn't been the first time, and it won't be the last. There is much wisdom in other religions,and not believing in them doesn't mean that I don't recognize that wisdom. In this case, Jesus chooses the imagery of grain dying to bear fruit that so many religions before Christianity had already used. The idea of death that brings life is also one oth the keys to Lammas or Lughnasadh, the harvest festivity on August 1st.
It won't be until Samhain that the God will die, but that is because that is the third-and last-harvest festival of the year; the idea of death is present in Lammas, in Mabon, and in Samhain. But in Lammas death is only a concept, a symbol; the death of grain that will feed the people. That is why it is a jubilant festival, even if there is a sombre legend behind it.
The other name of Lammas,Lughnasadh, comes from the Celtic god of the Sun, Lugh. Like his Roman counterpart Apollo, Lugh presided over the arts and sciences. According to Celtic legend, Lugh decided to hold a feast at the beginning of the harvest season to honor his foster mother, Tailtiu. Tailtiu was the royal Lady of the Fir Bolg. After the defeat of her people by the Tuatha De Danaan, she was forced by them to clear a vast forest for the purpose of planting grain. She died of exhaustion as a result. Here we find again the ritual death that brings life, and which is commemorated, that is, repeated, year after year. This idea was also, it is supposed, one of the inspirations of the Eleusinian Mysteries.
Well, you say, how does all this apply to ME?? Do I have to die to bring fertility to my world??Not necessary :))). Did you burn something last St John's night/Litha?? Did you leave some nasty habit, throw away letters or photos that brought you bitter memories, stop seeing a toxic friend?? Have you recently stopped smoking or given up any kind of addiction? Well, that is a part of you that has died. And it has died so you can evolve and move on with your life, and if you did it last Litha, or a little earlier or later, you are probably reaping a harvest of satisfaction. And if you didn't do it then, why not do it now?There are two harvest festivals ahead of you :))) It's not too late to get your harvest this year!
Remember also that Lugh is a God of arts and Sciences, so why not ask him for help to get better at whatever you do for a living? Here you can find a wonderful ritual for that.
viernes, 4 de julio de 2008
Pride And Joy: Difference won't eat you, intolerance will
(Re-posted from my LJ Blog)
And I’m dancing with the freaks now
I'm havin’, I’m havin’ so much fun
What you sow is what you reap now
I’ll do my dance with everyone
Don’t let them tell you who you are is not enough
Don’t let them tell you that it’s wrong
Or that you won’t find love...
-George Michael, An easier Affair
We have celebrated Gay Pride Day recently. I don't belong to the gay community, but I don't think that really matters; I have always felt different and suffered because of it, well ,suffered until recently, when I decided that, right or wrong, this was me. And you'd be surprised how much the respect of those around you heightens when you make that choice. You'll always find the stupid fools who will attack you , but that's not your fault that there are people who need to attack the difference to feel better...They have the problem, not you.
Yes, this I just said is a cliché, but this cliché hides the real danger society should fear...instead of fearing difference. A mum shouldn't worry about his boy or girl being homosexual and not forming a traditional family; she should worry because there are boys and girls who feel justified in bullying schoolmates because they are gays, there are skinheads and hooligans beating gays in the streets, and politicians and priests protesting because gay couples are given the same treatment as heterosexual ones and demonstrating against this in a way domestic violence, war or hunger will never move them to do; in one word, a mother shouldn't worry about her child being different, she should worry because the others believe different equals wrong.
This is the belief that lies at the bottom of fanatic terrorism. This is the belief that induces people to exterminate whole ethnic groups. This is the belief that undermines racism, classism and almost any kind of discrimination. This is the belief that justifies school bullying, discrimination at work,homophobia...even bad manners!!People complain of the lack of manners today, and they attribute them to "excessive freedom". Now that they'll tell you about their concept of freedom. Genuine manners (not ceremonious ones, but the natural kind like saying please, thank you and respecting the other's space) are born from a genuine respect of the other,from believing the other deserves respect in the same way I do. But young people today, supposedly growing up in a liberal world, are educated in a "me me me" -centered way-meaning that people who are poorer, darker, or just different, make them feel bad and uncomfortable, specially since Mum and Dad never taught them that freedom is not "I do but I want" but , paraphrasing the Wiccan Rede, "I do what I want, as long as I don't hurt anybody". For these spoiled kids, difference is a crime, and they'll bully whoever is different, and sadly, their parents will back them up no matter what they do.
This is the real danger.

Will you wait until they come for YOU?
And I’m dancing with the freaks now
I'm havin’, I’m havin’ so much fun
What you sow is what you reap now
I’ll do my dance with everyone
Don’t let them tell you who you are is not enough
Don’t let them tell you that it’s wrong
Or that you won’t find love...
-George Michael, An easier Affair
We have celebrated Gay Pride Day recently. I don't belong to the gay community, but I don't think that really matters; I have always felt different and suffered because of it, well ,suffered until recently, when I decided that, right or wrong, this was me. And you'd be surprised how much the respect of those around you heightens when you make that choice. You'll always find the stupid fools who will attack you , but that's not your fault that there are people who need to attack the difference to feel better...They have the problem, not you.
Yes, this I just said is a cliché, but this cliché hides the real danger society should fear...instead of fearing difference. A mum shouldn't worry about his boy or girl being homosexual and not forming a traditional family; she should worry because there are boys and girls who feel justified in bullying schoolmates because they are gays, there are skinheads and hooligans beating gays in the streets, and politicians and priests protesting because gay couples are given the same treatment as heterosexual ones and demonstrating against this in a way domestic violence, war or hunger will never move them to do; in one word, a mother shouldn't worry about her child being different, she should worry because the others believe different equals wrong.
This is the belief that lies at the bottom of fanatic terrorism. This is the belief that induces people to exterminate whole ethnic groups. This is the belief that undermines racism, classism and almost any kind of discrimination. This is the belief that justifies school bullying, discrimination at work,homophobia...even bad manners!!People complain of the lack of manners today, and they attribute them to "excessive freedom". Now that they'll tell you about their concept of freedom. Genuine manners (not ceremonious ones, but the natural kind like saying please, thank you and respecting the other's space) are born from a genuine respect of the other,from believing the other deserves respect in the same way I do. But young people today, supposedly growing up in a liberal world, are educated in a "me me me" -centered way-meaning that people who are poorer, darker, or just different, make them feel bad and uncomfortable, specially since Mum and Dad never taught them that freedom is not "I do but I want" but , paraphrasing the Wiccan Rede, "I do what I want, as long as I don't hurt anybody". For these spoiled kids, difference is a crime, and they'll bully whoever is different, and sadly, their parents will back them up no matter what they do.
This is the real danger.

Will you wait until they come for YOU?
viernes, 23 de mayo de 2008
Nothing To Fear: One Week In Silence, The Journal
To know the beginning of this story, go to this post. There you will find everything about John Birch and his amazing task.
Eyebrows are always
Older than the beards...
Mama said, be brave,
You’ve nothing to fear, darling...
( Des’ree , I Ain’t Movin’)
John put his experience in a book, and was kind enough to send it to me with a lovely dedication. This blog is also quoted in it. The book was quite an amazing journey for me- as I had said to John earlier, I couldn’t even begin to imagine what it was like to be locked in a room, with no food or entertainments, with 14 hours of darkness a day and with no heating ( and that in December, in St Annes, Great Britain). John’s book surpassed all my expectations and my vivid imagination made me literally “see” everything he narrates. Down-to-earth, sometimes moving, often humorous and never self-pitying or yielding to drama, the book was to me something that maybe John didn’t intend it to be: a story of bravery and courage.
I don’t know about you, but much of my life is ruled by fear. Fear of losing my job, fear of not having enough money for this or that, fear of taxes, fear of being alone, fear of choosing the wrong mate. Fear rules the world today, fear of war or terrorism. And much of that fear comes from not knowing how much the human being can endure, how much he or she can cope with, how far can he or she go just by adjusting their minds. As John himself reminds us, there are many people who live in the same conditions that John chose for a week, and not by choice. And many of them are surviving through it without the advantages that most of us Europeans have. If we just knew how much we can take, we’d be less afraid. John found it very funny once when I told him that I was a Gypsy at heart and I’d do anything to survive:he kept teasing me and calling me “Gypsy” for weeks to come. Well, he has just come to prove that , in that sense, we are all “gypsies” at heart: able to adjust to hard conditions and new environments, no matter how impossible they seem to be.
Would I be rich if I played the Lotto??
Cause we don’t value things that come too easily...
(Des’ree, Open Mind)
I hear you protest: “But that bloke chose to do that of his own will! He got ready for that!(and indeed he did) It can’t be as hard that way..” Well, maybe not...but let me tell you something. I’m quite the hedonistic person, fond of “my little pleasures”, gourmande and quite a good cook, and who couldn’t imagine a world without books or music. To me, no matter how ready or determined I was, it would be the hardest of situations. And that’s because the things I own quite possess me, not the other way round, and yet I take them for granted. To consciously decide to challenge the tyranny of our possessions is very brave, and it also reminds us that the things we take for granted (freedom, food...) are not available for everybody in this world. Yes, this book is good food for thought.
To know more about this book (excerpts included):One Week in Silence Website
To buy John’s book (the proceeds go to Amazon Cry Foundation) go here.
Amazon Cry Foundation:
Eyebrows are always
Older than the beards...
Mama said, be brave,
You’ve nothing to fear, darling...
( Des’ree , I Ain’t Movin’)
John put his experience in a book, and was kind enough to send it to me with a lovely dedication. This blog is also quoted in it. The book was quite an amazing journey for me- as I had said to John earlier, I couldn’t even begin to imagine what it was like to be locked in a room, with no food or entertainments, with 14 hours of darkness a day and with no heating ( and that in December, in St Annes, Great Britain). John’s book surpassed all my expectations and my vivid imagination made me literally “see” everything he narrates. Down-to-earth, sometimes moving, often humorous and never self-pitying or yielding to drama, the book was to me something that maybe John didn’t intend it to be: a story of bravery and courage.
I don’t know about you, but much of my life is ruled by fear. Fear of losing my job, fear of not having enough money for this or that, fear of taxes, fear of being alone, fear of choosing the wrong mate. Fear rules the world today, fear of war or terrorism. And much of that fear comes from not knowing how much the human being can endure, how much he or she can cope with, how far can he or she go just by adjusting their minds. As John himself reminds us, there are many people who live in the same conditions that John chose for a week, and not by choice. And many of them are surviving through it without the advantages that most of us Europeans have. If we just knew how much we can take, we’d be less afraid. John found it very funny once when I told him that I was a Gypsy at heart and I’d do anything to survive:he kept teasing me and calling me “Gypsy” for weeks to come. Well, he has just come to prove that , in that sense, we are all “gypsies” at heart: able to adjust to hard conditions and new environments, no matter how impossible they seem to be.
Would I be rich if I played the Lotto??
Cause we don’t value things that come too easily...
(Des’ree, Open Mind)
I hear you protest: “But that bloke chose to do that of his own will! He got ready for that!(and indeed he did) It can’t be as hard that way..” Well, maybe not...but let me tell you something. I’m quite the hedonistic person, fond of “my little pleasures”, gourmande and quite a good cook, and who couldn’t imagine a world without books or music. To me, no matter how ready or determined I was, it would be the hardest of situations. And that’s because the things I own quite possess me, not the other way round, and yet I take them for granted. To consciously decide to challenge the tyranny of our possessions is very brave, and it also reminds us that the things we take for granted (freedom, food...) are not available for everybody in this world. Yes, this book is good food for thought.
To know more about this book (excerpts included):One Week in Silence Website
To buy John’s book (the proceeds go to Amazon Cry Foundation) go here.
Amazon Cry Foundation:
viernes, 18 de abril de 2008
Not Ready to Make Nice: A Beltane Memory
Forgive, sounds good.Forget, I'm not sure I could.
They say, time heals everything, but I'm still waiting.
-Dixie Chicks, Not Ready to Make Nice
(on the proximity of Beltane, I have discovered that this memory still bothers me, so I reproduce this post from LiveJournal to cleanse my soul. As for the "friend" mentioned in the post, he's still a friend,though much less close, adn I know he sometimes reads this, paraphrasing Carly Simon, if you think this post is about you, then it is:)))
Well, the proximity of Beltane brings me memories of two years ago. I had this friend I was having feelings for, and he wasn't a Wiccan; in fact he was a Spiritualist. Being a very sensitive and intelligent man, I thought he would look beyond the topics when it came to my beliefs; I certainly wasn't thinking of Victorian houses and spine-chilling seances when I approached his. Alas, how wrong was I. I explained to him the eight sabbats, including Beltane,which is very special to me since it is also my birthday. I explained to him that is the festivity of love and fertilty par excellence. I explained to him that many Wiccans celebrate it under the stars with their lovers in a passionate night of love. I showed him poems and texts that told about it, some written by myself. And, like other less intelligent boyfriends of mine, he assumed that Wicca was very much about orgies, and that Wiccan women, including me, were easy and loose. We continued our relationship but the misunderstanding was evident; he thought my main interest was sex, he undervalued my feelings. Pooh, I guess he wasn't as intelligent as I thought: I mean he had known me for years, he knew a lot of things about me; and now, just because I'm a Wiccan, I'm a sex kitten??? Please!!!
Not that I believe in the "promiscuous woman=whore" equation. I don't give a shit about the double standard of a man being a Superman if he gets a woman every night and the woman being a cheap whore if she does the same. A woman who decides not to be monogamous has a perfect right to do so, and she is no better and no worse than a woman who decides on the contrary. What irks me is, as always, the preconceived ideas. Wicca and Paganism do have a very tolerant view on sex. Sex is for us a metaphor of creation, and also a gift of the Goddess, pure, sacred and pleasurable. But we don't tell anybody how he/she must live their sexuality. Beause we aren't all the same. Some people are more comfortable with monogamy, others need casual sex. Some people are heterosexual, others are homosexual, others are bisexual. Some people believe in marriage,some don't,. Some people need to be in love to have sex, some don't. And they aren't more or less Pagan or Wiccan because of that. There is not such thing as a Pagan sexuality- maybe the only thing we Pagans usually have in common, and I'm sure that there must be exceptions (which is sad for me) is a lack of fear of talking sexuality, and a large tolerance for different orientations.
And yes, I hear your question: Are there orgies in your rites? Answer: Not by rule. I f a coven decides to make orgies well, that's their choice. But they do it because they have decided it, not because it's the rule. Anyway, in these days of STDs and sex crimes, people are less willing to take part in orgies with people they don't know well or strangers. In fact Wiccans are usually very safe-sex conscious. Most of them celebrate Beltane privately with their partners, after normal rituals. If you join a coven and they try to convince you that orgies are absolutely compulsory or try to force you into having sex in rituals, my advice is: run and don't look back. Sex IS NOT an obligation, but a personal decision, for Wiccans and for everybody else.
And this is for the men all around the world...stop thinking with your organ...respect the witch!!!
They say, time heals everything, but I'm still waiting.
-Dixie Chicks, Not Ready to Make Nice
(on the proximity of Beltane, I have discovered that this memory still bothers me, so I reproduce this post from LiveJournal to cleanse my soul. As for the "friend" mentioned in the post, he's still a friend,though much less close, adn I know he sometimes reads this, paraphrasing Carly Simon, if you think this post is about you, then it is:)))
Well, the proximity of Beltane brings me memories of two years ago. I had this friend I was having feelings for, and he wasn't a Wiccan; in fact he was a Spiritualist. Being a very sensitive and intelligent man, I thought he would look beyond the topics when it came to my beliefs; I certainly wasn't thinking of Victorian houses and spine-chilling seances when I approached his. Alas, how wrong was I. I explained to him the eight sabbats, including Beltane,which is very special to me since it is also my birthday. I explained to him that is the festivity of love and fertilty par excellence. I explained to him that many Wiccans celebrate it under the stars with their lovers in a passionate night of love. I showed him poems and texts that told about it, some written by myself. And, like other less intelligent boyfriends of mine, he assumed that Wicca was very much about orgies, and that Wiccan women, including me, were easy and loose. We continued our relationship but the misunderstanding was evident; he thought my main interest was sex, he undervalued my feelings. Pooh, I guess he wasn't as intelligent as I thought: I mean he had known me for years, he knew a lot of things about me; and now, just because I'm a Wiccan, I'm a sex kitten??? Please!!!
Not that I believe in the "promiscuous woman=whore" equation. I don't give a shit about the double standard of a man being a Superman if he gets a woman every night and the woman being a cheap whore if she does the same. A woman who decides not to be monogamous has a perfect right to do so, and she is no better and no worse than a woman who decides on the contrary. What irks me is, as always, the preconceived ideas. Wicca and Paganism do have a very tolerant view on sex. Sex is for us a metaphor of creation, and also a gift of the Goddess, pure, sacred and pleasurable. But we don't tell anybody how he/she must live their sexuality. Beause we aren't all the same. Some people are more comfortable with monogamy, others need casual sex. Some people are heterosexual, others are homosexual, others are bisexual. Some people believe in marriage,some don't,. Some people need to be in love to have sex, some don't. And they aren't more or less Pagan or Wiccan because of that. There is not such thing as a Pagan sexuality- maybe the only thing we Pagans usually have in common, and I'm sure that there must be exceptions (which is sad for me) is a lack of fear of talking sexuality, and a large tolerance for different orientations.
And yes, I hear your question: Are there orgies in your rites? Answer: Not by rule. I f a coven decides to make orgies well, that's their choice. But they do it because they have decided it, not because it's the rule. Anyway, in these days of STDs and sex crimes, people are less willing to take part in orgies with people they don't know well or strangers. In fact Wiccans are usually very safe-sex conscious. Most of them celebrate Beltane privately with their partners, after normal rituals. If you join a coven and they try to convince you that orgies are absolutely compulsory or try to force you into having sex in rituals, my advice is: run and don't look back. Sex IS NOT an obligation, but a personal decision, for Wiccans and for everybody else.
And this is for the men all around the world...stop thinking with your organ...respect the witch!!!
jueves, 20 de marzo de 2008
Are you scared to get happy?-Ostara, not just birds and flowers
(Formerly published in my LJ blog)
"April is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull routes with spring rain."
T. S. Eliot
Last year,I received a newsletter with this wonderful link about spring and Ostara included. It had a very interesting part about how Easter invites us to renewal and action, headed by the TS Eliot poem above mentioned. As they say, never is being ill, or depressed so difficult as it is in Spring, when everything is beautiful and bright and happy and love seems to be "in the air" . I have lived a depression and I know what I'm saying. This page reminds us that Spring is a time of positivity, of moving on, of being reborn...This is all very well, you say, but I still feel such a black spot on the face of earth because everything looks so beautiful and so happy and I feel so broken, and I don't have the will to go on. Hum, I think you need another point of view to look at Spring.
"At the birth of a child or of a star there is pain"
Oscar Wilde
Why, do you think that Spring is an idyll? Think again. Spring is a painful effort for Nature. It's not easy for a seed to survive the winter and become a plant in Spring, in fact many seeds don't survive. Animals start looking for a mate, and for many males this will mean fighting to the death. If you have a female dog, observe how being in heat disturbs her and makes her nervous. For many people, spring means allergy, and they dread this time of year. No matter how romantic or Disney-like Spring may look to you, it is Nature at its busiest for multiplying and perpetuating, and it is as big a drama, or maybe more, as the cold and windy winter, which is in fact a time of rest. I don't know if April is the cruelest month, but for Nature is the most decisive for its survival.
Next time you think of Spring, remember; Nature is fighting to survive, like you. You're not a black spot, you're just another living being trying to find its way on earth, so you'r enot that out of place. No life is a romance, not even the life of a plant or of a star. Joy comes after sorrow, sorrow after joy. There cannot be one without the other. Don't fear any of the two processes, they are involved in every life.
"April is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull routes with spring rain."
T. S. Eliot
Last year,I received a newsletter with this wonderful link about spring and Ostara included. It had a very interesting part about how Easter invites us to renewal and action, headed by the TS Eliot poem above mentioned. As they say, never is being ill, or depressed so difficult as it is in Spring, when everything is beautiful and bright and happy and love seems to be "in the air" . I have lived a depression and I know what I'm saying. This page reminds us that Spring is a time of positivity, of moving on, of being reborn...This is all very well, you say, but I still feel such a black spot on the face of earth because everything looks so beautiful and so happy and I feel so broken, and I don't have the will to go on. Hum, I think you need another point of view to look at Spring.
"At the birth of a child or of a star there is pain"
Oscar Wilde
Why, do you think that Spring is an idyll? Think again. Spring is a painful effort for Nature. It's not easy for a seed to survive the winter and become a plant in Spring, in fact many seeds don't survive. Animals start looking for a mate, and for many males this will mean fighting to the death. If you have a female dog, observe how being in heat disturbs her and makes her nervous. For many people, spring means allergy, and they dread this time of year. No matter how romantic or Disney-like Spring may look to you, it is Nature at its busiest for multiplying and perpetuating, and it is as big a drama, or maybe more, as the cold and windy winter, which is in fact a time of rest. I don't know if April is the cruelest month, but for Nature is the most decisive for its survival.
Next time you think of Spring, remember; Nature is fighting to survive, like you. You're not a black spot, you're just another living being trying to find its way on earth, so you'r enot that out of place. No life is a romance, not even the life of a plant or of a star. Joy comes after sorrow, sorrow after joy. There cannot be one without the other. Don't fear any of the two processes, they are involved in every life.
sábado, 23 de febrero de 2008
It Couldn't Happen Here???-Intolerance, European style
Did you read my post on Stephanie Conover? Are you European, maybe British? Did you think "these things only happen in the USA"??
OK, get ready to think again:
The story doesn't affect me just as a Wiccan, since a dear friend who lives not that far from there is a Spiritualist. Throwing Bibles and leaving messages inside books? Why not book bonfires, the Nazi way, while you're at it?
It's sad to see this, but remember: It CAN happen next door to you. And if you don't do something about it, it will.
OK, get ready to think again:
The story doesn't affect me just as a Wiccan, since a dear friend who lives not that far from there is a Spiritualist. Throwing Bibles and leaving messages inside books? Why not book bonfires, the Nazi way, while you're at it?
It's sad to see this, but remember: It CAN happen next door to you. And if you don't do something about it, it will.
domingo, 17 de febrero de 2008
Book Meme
Tagged by my dear friend Bluething, I do this meme in a hurry:
1. Take the book that is closer to where you are right now (123 pages minimum)

It's this one, "Complete Idiot's guide to Tarot" by A. Tognetti and L. Lenard.
2. Open it at page 123.
It's the chapter on the Hermit.
3. Read the fifth sentence and post the three next ones.
"he has experienced many lessons and now wants to share them with you. Even if he's alone, he's not lonely: Even though we're surrounded by others, we always must follow our own paths"
4: Tag five people.
As I have no time to do this, I invite everyone to snatch this meme...:)))
1. Take the book that is closer to where you are right now (123 pages minimum)

It's this one, "Complete Idiot's guide to Tarot" by A. Tognetti and L. Lenard.
2. Open it at page 123.
It's the chapter on the Hermit.
3. Read the fifth sentence and post the three next ones.
"he has experienced many lessons and now wants to share them with you. Even if he's alone, he's not lonely: Even though we're surrounded by others, we always must follow our own paths"
4: Tag five people.
As I have no time to do this, I invite everyone to snatch this meme...:)))
viernes, 8 de febrero de 2008
Once More is Too Much: Support Stephanie Conover
Stephanie Conover is a woman who has been banned from a beauty pageant jury just because she does Reiki (!) and Tarot(!!)Read the whole story here.
I've never liked beauty pageants, not because they base themselves on beauty...if that was the case surely they'd be way fairer. They usually have many more things implied : a concept of woman whop conforms to certain standards and is submissive to them. (to put another example,until recently women who were mothers were not allowed to become Miss Spain on the ground that "during her reign her kids would be neglected"- needless to say, there was no such prohibition for their male counterparts,candidates for Mr. Spain)Beauty pageants usually promote values that would come down to "shut up and look pretty" no matter if you're jury or contestant. And that's my problem with them.I'm tired of this kind of worldview that excludes those who don't conform to rules. If you are too,email these Miss Toronto people: or join the Facebook group "I support Stephanie Conover".
I see this kind of stuff everyday, but somehow this was the last straw.
I've never liked beauty pageants, not because they base themselves on beauty...if that was the case surely they'd be way fairer. They usually have many more things implied : a concept of woman whop conforms to certain standards and is submissive to them. (to put another example,until recently women who were mothers were not allowed to become Miss Spain on the ground that "during her reign her kids would be neglected"- needless to say, there was no such prohibition for their male counterparts,candidates for Mr. Spain)Beauty pageants usually promote values that would come down to "shut up and look pretty" no matter if you're jury or contestant. And that's my problem with them.I'm tired of this kind of worldview that excludes those who don't conform to rules. If you are too,email these Miss Toronto people: or join the Facebook group "I support Stephanie Conover".
I see this kind of stuff everyday, but somehow this was the last straw.
domingo, 3 de febrero de 2008
The Bride is Back: Celebrating Imbolc
(Originally posted on my LJ blog)
Imbolc is celebrated on February 2nd, and Christians celebrate it as Candlemas or the Purification of Virgin Mary. And right they are too; this holiday is about washing and cleaning yourself anew.Did you think it was enough with New Year's resolutions? No way Jose! The Goddess , after giving birth, is recovering-or purifying,as the Jewish traditions demand in the case of Mary. The Goddess rejuvenates, becomes an untouched maiden again, and the circle starts over. Just like the earth, which starts to let go of cold and feel the nearness of spring (or so it was before climatic change, huh?) and each time is like a renewal of her youth, so it is for the Goddess. She is preparing the courtship which will take place in Ostara,and the marriage of Beltane. She was Crone the whole winter long, and she is Maiden again.Can you see the analogy?Each year you are given a new chance. But it's not a present to be opened on New Year's morning, because the Earth knows better than Julius Caesar, and knows that when the world is filled with darkness and cold, it's not a good time to start over. But when the earth starts to breathe, the weather softens, and animals give birth to their ffirst offspring (Imbolc = ewe's milk) it's about the right time to get moving. You are the bridegroom, the world is your Blushing Bride,and she is awaiting. And she won't wait long-the Merry Month of May is not that far. Go court her.
Imbolc is celebrated on February 2nd, and Christians celebrate it as Candlemas or the Purification of Virgin Mary. And right they are too; this holiday is about washing and cleaning yourself anew.Did you think it was enough with New Year's resolutions? No way Jose! The Goddess , after giving birth, is recovering-or purifying,as the Jewish traditions demand in the case of Mary. The Goddess rejuvenates, becomes an untouched maiden again, and the circle starts over. Just like the earth, which starts to let go of cold and feel the nearness of spring (or so it was before climatic change, huh?) and each time is like a renewal of her youth, so it is for the Goddess. She is preparing the courtship which will take place in Ostara,and the marriage of Beltane. She was Crone the whole winter long, and she is Maiden again.Can you see the analogy?Each year you are given a new chance. But it's not a present to be opened on New Year's morning, because the Earth knows better than Julius Caesar, and knows that when the world is filled with darkness and cold, it's not a good time to start over. But when the earth starts to breathe, the weather softens, and animals give birth to their ffirst offspring (Imbolc = ewe's milk) it's about the right time to get moving. You are the bridegroom, the world is your Blushing Bride,and she is awaiting. And she won't wait long-the Merry Month of May is not that far. Go court her.
sábado, 19 de enero de 2008
One Week in Silence: Mission Accomplished!!!
(For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, I copy here the post about this topic in my former blog)
"A few weeks ago, I learned that my friend John Birch has become involved in a project to help save the rainforest. And one of the activities he has planned is quite peculiar: he has decided to lock himself in one room of his house for a week, with no food, no entertainment, no electrical lighting and no heating. Only water,a camcorder to film his experience, a notebook and pen and a sleeping bag. He intends this to be both a spiritual journey and a sponsored activity to raise funds for and awareness of the Amazon Rainforest Foundation. You can find the whole story here.I must be honest to you.My first thought when I heard this was "He's crazy!" I was angry with him for personal reasons and that didn't help, I must confess. But after reading about the project he's involved in at the AmazonCry page,and giving it a good deal of thought, I realized that he is making a difference. He's doing something I would never have the guts to do (I can't stand the idea of being locked up for an hour, let alone for a week) and he's trying to raise awareness about the Earth and the environment when most of us choose to look the other way or even turn to denial. When, two days ago, a Spanish politician, leader of the Conservative Party,as good as denied the existence of global warming, I decided that John deserved a post and my support. He may seem mad to you, but believe me, I think the real madmen are in much higher places"
Well, now I'm pleased to announce that John completed his feat, raised some money and is in excellent health. You can read about it here and in his webpage in preparation One Week in Silence.
"A few weeks ago, I learned that my friend John Birch has become involved in a project to help save the rainforest. And one of the activities he has planned is quite peculiar: he has decided to lock himself in one room of his house for a week, with no food, no entertainment, no electrical lighting and no heating. Only water,a camcorder to film his experience, a notebook and pen and a sleeping bag. He intends this to be both a spiritual journey and a sponsored activity to raise funds for and awareness of the Amazon Rainforest Foundation. You can find the whole story here.I must be honest to you.My first thought when I heard this was "He's crazy!" I was angry with him for personal reasons and that didn't help, I must confess. But after reading about the project he's involved in at the AmazonCry page,and giving it a good deal of thought, I realized that he is making a difference. He's doing something I would never have the guts to do (I can't stand the idea of being locked up for an hour, let alone for a week) and he's trying to raise awareness about the Earth and the environment when most of us choose to look the other way or even turn to denial. When, two days ago, a Spanish politician, leader of the Conservative Party,as good as denied the existence of global warming, I decided that John deserved a post and my support. He may seem mad to you, but believe me, I think the real madmen are in much higher places"
Well, now I'm pleased to announce that John completed his feat, raised some money and is in excellent health. You can read about it here and in his webpage in preparation One Week in Silence.
martes, 8 de enero de 2008
Island of the West: Death from a Pagan point of view
Dedicated to Bluething. She knows why.
I was happy. Wherever I... was... I was happy. At peace. I knew that everyone I cared about was all right. I knew it. Time... didn't mean anything... nothing had form... but I was still me, you know? And I was warm... and I was loved... and I was finished. Complete. I don't understand about theology or dimensions, or... any of it, really... but I think I was in heaven.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Episode "After Life"
I am often asked about the Pagan views on death. Well, we hold different ones-some of us believe in a sort of heaven named Summerland, others believe in reincarnation...and others, like me, believe that death is an eternal rest from this strife called life. But what we all do share is the idea that death is not a fearful place, but a place where we lay down our head on the breast of the Goddess, no matter what we've done, no matter how good or bad we've been,and rest in perfect peace.
This song by my admired Starhawk and her band Reclaiming sums up perfectly what I feel:
The ship is on the shoreline,
the crossing it is near
The time has come to say goodbye
To all who’ve loved you here
Give back your body to the earth
Like a child to its mother’s breast
And may you then grow young again
on the Island of the West
Lay down, lay down, your burdens
Lay down your treasures too
The love you gave and gathered
is all you take with you
But know to me your memory
will ever more be blessed
And may you then grow young again
On the Island of the West
They say there is an orchard
across the farthest sea
Where fruit and bud and blossom
grow together on the tree
The hurt will there find healing
The weary there find rest
And may you then grow young again on the Island of the West
(Starhawk and Reclaiming, Island of the West)
If you, like me, have seen a loved one struggle through illness and seen the peace in his/her face after death, I need to say no more. Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.
I was happy. Wherever I... was... I was happy. At peace. I knew that everyone I cared about was all right. I knew it. Time... didn't mean anything... nothing had form... but I was still me, you know? And I was warm... and I was loved... and I was finished. Complete. I don't understand about theology or dimensions, or... any of it, really... but I think I was in heaven.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Episode "After Life"
I am often asked about the Pagan views on death. Well, we hold different ones-some of us believe in a sort of heaven named Summerland, others believe in reincarnation...and others, like me, believe that death is an eternal rest from this strife called life. But what we all do share is the idea that death is not a fearful place, but a place where we lay down our head on the breast of the Goddess, no matter what we've done, no matter how good or bad we've been,and rest in perfect peace.
This song by my admired Starhawk and her band Reclaiming sums up perfectly what I feel:
The ship is on the shoreline,
the crossing it is near
The time has come to say goodbye
To all who’ve loved you here
Give back your body to the earth
Like a child to its mother’s breast
And may you then grow young again
on the Island of the West
Lay down, lay down, your burdens
Lay down your treasures too
The love you gave and gathered
is all you take with you
But know to me your memory
will ever more be blessed
And may you then grow young again
On the Island of the West
They say there is an orchard
across the farthest sea
Where fruit and bud and blossom
grow together on the tree
The hurt will there find healing
The weary there find rest
And may you then grow young again on the Island of the West
(Starhawk and Reclaiming, Island of the West)
If you, like me, have seen a loved one struggle through illness and seen the peace in his/her face after death, I need to say no more. Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.
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