1. Take the book that is closer to where you are right now (123 pages minimum)

It's this one, "Complete Idiot's guide to Tarot" by A. Tognetti and L. Lenard.
2. Open it at page 123.
It's the chapter on the Hermit.
3. Read the fifth sentence and post the three next ones.
"he has experienced many lessons and now wants to share them with you. Even if he's alone, he's not lonely: Even though we're surrounded by others, we always must follow our own paths"
4: Tag five people.
As I have no time to do this, I invite everyone to snatch this meme...:)))
4 comentarios:
You were luckier than me, remember that quote? XDDDD
Yep, it's what happens when you have a tarot blog and parlour..tarot books all around ;)
By the way, it looks good... ;)
I know ^^
(modest mode /off)
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