viernes, 8 de febrero de 2008

Once More is Too Much: Support Stephanie Conover

Stephanie Conover is a woman who has been banned from a beauty pageant jury just because she does Reiki (!) and Tarot(!!)Read the whole story here.

I've never liked beauty pageants, not because they base themselves on beauty...if that was the case surely they'd be way fairer. They usually have many more things implied : a concept of woman whop conforms to certain standards and is submissive to them. (to put another example,until recently women who were mothers were not allowed to become Miss Spain on the ground that "during her reign her kids would be neglected"- needless to say, there was no such prohibition for their male counterparts,candidates for Mr. Spain)Beauty pageants usually promote values that would come down to "shut up and look pretty" no matter if you're jury or contestant. And that's my problem with them.I'm tired of this kind of worldview that excludes those who don't conform to rules. If you are too,email these Miss Toronto people: or join the Facebook group "I support Stephanie Conover".
I see this kind of stuff everyday, but somehow this was the last straw.

2 comentarios:

Small Blue Thing dijo...

Congratulations, you got a meme! :D

Rozonda dijo...

OK, u crazy girl, I'll post it tomorrow...