lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

Everyday Heroes: One Week in Silence, the documentary.

To know the beginning of this story, go to this post. There you will find everything about John Birch and his amazing task.

After the book, John has published a documentary about his reclusion and the reasons and causes that led him to it, and he has kindly sent it to me. There is not much more to add to all I said about the book, excpt one thing: it has impressed me how John and all people involved in this project come across as common people like you and me, but people that are committed to making a difference. John is a production buyer for a brewery, but involved in several spiritual and enviromental projects. His friends and sponsors include dance teachers, furniture makers...

Think about it.It doesn't take Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt to make a mark in the world. If you decide to make a change, you're a hero too. Just like this common man who is not that common.

To learn more about the documentary and buy it:

viernes, 1 de agosto de 2008

Unless the Grain Dies: The Meaning of Lammas

(With a little addition, already posted on my LJ journal)

"Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone. But if the grain dies, it bears much fruit" (John 12:24)

Surprised to find a Christian quote in aWiccan blog??Well, it hasn't been the first time, and it won't be the last. There is much wisdom in other religions,and not believing in them doesn't mean that I don't recognize that wisdom. In this case, Jesus chooses the imagery of grain dying to bear fruit that so many religions before Christianity had already used. The idea of death that brings life is also one oth the keys to Lammas or Lughnasadh, the harvest festivity on August 1st.

It won't be until Samhain that the God will die, but that is because that is the third-and last-harvest festival of the year; the idea of death is present in Lammas, in Mabon, and in Samhain. But in Lammas death is only a concept, a symbol; the death of grain that will feed the people. That is why it is a jubilant festival, even if there is a sombre legend behind it.

The other name of Lammas,Lughnasadh, comes from the Celtic god of the Sun, Lugh. Like his Roman counterpart Apollo, Lugh presided over the arts and sciences. According to Celtic legend, Lugh decided to hold a feast at the beginning of the harvest season to honor his foster mother, Tailtiu. Tailtiu was the royal Lady of the Fir Bolg. After the defeat of her people by the Tuatha De Danaan, she was forced by them to clear a vast forest for the purpose of planting grain. She died of exhaustion as a result. Here we find again the ritual death that brings life, and which is commemorated, that is, repeated, year after year. This idea was also, it is supposed, one of the inspirations of the Eleusinian Mysteries.

Well, you say, how does all this apply to ME?? Do I have to die to bring fertility to my world??Not necessary :))). Did you burn something last St John's night/Litha?? Did you leave some nasty habit, throw away letters or photos that brought you bitter memories, stop seeing a toxic friend?? Have you recently stopped smoking or given up any kind of addiction? Well, that is a part of you that has died. And it has died so you can evolve and move on with your life, and if you did it last Litha, or a little earlier or later, you are probably reaping a harvest of satisfaction. And if you didn't do it then, why not do it now?There are two harvest festivals ahead of you :))) It's not too late to get your harvest this year!

Remember also that Lugh is a God of arts and Sciences, so why not ask him for help to get better at whatever you do for a living? Here you can find a wonderful ritual for that.