domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2007

Merry Meet and Welcome!!

Well, for those of you who followed my blog at LiveJournal, welcome back, and don't be surprised if some of the posts there are reposted here. For the rest, hello and thank you for paying a visit. This is a blog of ramblings and musings not just about Wicca and Paganism, but about life in general-from the point of view of a middle-aged Wiccan woman.Not only will I speak about rituals and spells, but also about social issues, relationships, work, literature, culture...anything and everything. I hope you find my blog interesting, whether you are a Pagan or not.

4 comentarios:

Small Blue Thing dijo...

Welcome to the Lobbysphere ;) and May Peace be Upon you.

Rozonda dijo...

Thank you dear:)) Blogger is a black hole and absorbs us all XDDDD
Blessed Be!!

Laura Stamps dijo...

Thanks for letting me know about your new blog. You will absolutely LOVE Blogger. It is so easy and big fun!

Hope you had a fabulous Yule!

Much love to you and many magickal blessings my dear Wiccan friend!!


Rozonda dijo...

So glad you have come visiting!!
I'm happy to be in Blogger because with my Tarot blog I have found out how cool it is. I hope you visit often!!
Many blessings sister!